Thursday, October 15, 2009

The new Benny Hill workout

"After scolding one's cat one looks into its face and is seized by the ugly suspicion that it understood every word. And has filed it for reference."- Charlotte Gray

I have a new workout routine. Apparently I have more than one pet that likes to escape and then run me all over the yard as I chase it. I'm not sure who this is more entertaining for-the pet? My elderly neighbor in the next yard over? The dog, who looks wisely bemused at my antics as I make a mad dash and scramble to head off the errant beast. Or maybe my partner thinks it's quite the hoot as I flap and fly and swear my way all over the yard chasing a stray chicken or her damn sneaky cat. Either way, it's a hell of a workout, and if I could just cue the Benny Hill music in the background it would feel just right.

A couple of days ago it was Estelle, the red chicken, flapping and squawking and pooping all over the place before I caught her. This even
ing it was Isabella the Evil. She squirted out the door with the dog before I could get my foot in her way. She zigged, she zagged, she was lightning, she was smoke. And then she realized she was outside and froze like she'd seen a dog (a real dog-not wimpy old Calvin whom she controls with her mind games). And I placed her, ever-so-gently, back in the house. Okay, I threw her, but in a way that she could land in a healthy manner. :)

The good part is, I corner well. I change directions in a hurry. I stayed upright in the face of peril (peril being the dog poop mines planted in the back yard). Perhaps I should try out for running back-or maybe the Queer in our next game of Smear the Queer. Either way, I would like to thank Isabella and Estelle for the unplanned trips to the backyard gym. Well done ladies!

Estelle as a teenager.

Isabella the Evil in appropriate attire.

1 comment:

  1. ....and now the Benny Hill theme is running around in my head.
